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About Us


Information Accessibility and Sharing
SEEDERS serves as a communication hub connecting upstream (genomic big data) and downstream (breeding and seed) industries. We contribute to enhancing the utilization of genomic big data by promoting its openness and sharing.
We are committed to revitalizing the breeding and seed industries by effectively leveraging genomic big data.


  • Apr Selected as a consulting and analysis specialized institution for the 'Digital Breeding Transformation Support Project' by the Korea Institute of Planning and Evaluation for Technology in Food, Agriculture, and Forestry (IPET)
  • Apr Selected for the project to establish a standardization and collection system for crop phenotype data
  • Apr Development of a digital breeding information search technology based on agricultural big data
  • Jan Participation in the Digital Breeding Transition Support Project
  • Dec Certified as an Intellectual Property Management Company
  • Sep Registered as a seed company
  • May Office relocation
  • Oct Established Okcheon Branch
  • Apr Designated as a K-ESP (Technical Specialist Enterprise)
  • Sep Selected as a BEST Service Company by the Korea Credit Guarantee Fund
  • Feb Transitioned to Agricultural Corporation
  • Jul Four-company joint venture established (Genotype Co.)
  • Nov stablished a corporate research lab
  • Sep Certified as a venture company
  • Jun Established SEEDERS Inc.

Our Services

Structural variation
  • Genome-wide SNP/InDel/SSR
  • General structural variation
  • Mutational structural variation
  • Genome Editing
Molecular Marker
  • Variety discrimination marker
  • Source identification marker
  • Purity testing marker
  • Marker assisted breeding(MAB) specific marker
  • Trait-associated marker
Population Genomics
  • Genetic Mapping and QTL Mapping using Cross-Breeding Population Data
  • GWAS and Population Genetics (Phylogenetic Tree, PCA, Structure, DAPC) using Genetic Resources Data
Genome assembly
  • Genome De Novo Assembly
  • Genome Annotation
  • Comparative Analysis
Gene Profiling
  • RNA-seq De Novo Assemblyy
  • DEG & Hierarchical Clustering
  • Functional Annotation
  • Target Gene Anaylsis
  • Alternative Splicing Analysis
WEB DB integration
  • Genomic WEB DB
  • Comparative Genomic WEB DB
  • Integrated WEB DB for breeding

High-Performance LED Lights for Plant Growth

Developed After Years of Testing

We've developed these LED lights specifically for plant growth through years of cultivation testing. We've put in the effort to create lights that are both optimal for plant growth and easy on the grower's eyes. By repeatedly testing with our own LEDs, we've carefully considered the ideal wavelengths and light intensity for the most efficient plant growth.

본 식물 생장용 LED로 키운 고추 생장과정(예시)
본 식물 생장용 LED로 키운 고추 생장 지표 그래프(예시)

제품 특징

  • 1. 식물 광합성을 활발하게 하는 최적의 빛 400 ~ 500nm 파장의 청색 빛과 640 ~ 700nm 파장의 적색 빛을 혼합하였습니다.
  • 2. 튼튼한 식물 식물이 웃자라지 않고, 조직이 튼튼하여 도복의 위험이 거의 없습니다. (LED 최적 거리 항시 유지 시)
  • 3. 보기 편안한 빛 붉은 조명이 아닌 주광색의 Neutral light LED 구현 기술을 접목하여 재배자의 눈 피로도를 감소시켜줍니다.
  • 4. 식물 착색에 도움 재배하고자 하는 식물 본연의 색이 잘 발현됩니다. (잎채소 전용 LED이므로 화훼류 착색과는 관련 없음.)

구매 및 상담

042-710-4035 (상담시간 - 9:00~6:00 / 점심시간 - 12:00~1:00)


본 LED 제품을 이용한 가정용 식물재배기 우리텃밭 파쯔파쯔
홈페이지 : http://podzpodz.seeders.co.kr
