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Target gene DB

Target gene

The Target Gene Database has been developed based on information and sequence similarity analysis to identify specific groups of target genes.
This database includes genes involved in plant-specific traits such as pigment synthesis, defense mechanisms against diseases, transcription factors, flowering time, and flower development, as well as pathways related to the biosynthesis of specific metabolites.
The database is constructed around structural genes and the regulatory genes that control these pathways.
Based on this foundation, the database helps organize information about genes of interest, making it easier to prioritize candidates for further examination in the interpretation of RNAseq results.
This facilitates a focused approach to studying gene functions and interactions within specific biological processes.

Work Flow

No. Target gene
Target pathway
Related pathway No. of genes
1 Plant pigments Chlorophyll metabolic pathway | Carotenoids(Xanthophyll, Lycopene) metabolic pathway | Flavonoids metabolic pathway | Betalains biosynthesis 310
2 Plant transcription factors MYB | WRKY | ERF | bHLH | ETC 1,677
3 Plant terpenoids Terpenoid backbone biosynthesis | Monoterpenoid biosynthesis | Diterpenoid biosynthesis | Sesquiterpenoid and triterpenoid biosynthesis 110
4 Plant hormone ABA biosyntehsis, transport, signaling | auxin biosyntehsis, transport, signaling | brassinodsteroids biosyntehsis, signaling | cytokinins biosyntehsis, signaling | ethylene biosyntehsis, signaling | gibberellins acid biosyntehsis, signaling | jasmonates acid biosyntehsis, signaling | salicylic acid biosyntehsis, signaling, response 441
5 Fatty acids biosynthesis Cutin_synthesis_1 | Cutin_synthesis_2 | EU_galactolipd,_Sulfolipid | EU_phospholipid | FA_elogation_and_wax | FA_elongtion,_Desaturation | FA_synthesis | Lipid_trafficking | Mit_FA_and_Lipoic_Acid_ | Mit_phospholipid | Oxylipin_metabolism_1 | Oxylipin_metabolism_2 | Phospholipid_signialing | Pro_galactolipd,_Sulfolipid_1 | Pro_galactolipd,_Sulfolipid_2 | sphingolipid_1 | sphingolipid_2 | suberin_synthesis_1 | suberin_synthesis_2 | TAG_biosynthesis | TAGandFA_degradation 1,066
7 Biotic stress Reference Resistance Genes | chitinases | ER-folding | PAMP recognition receptors | MAPK cascade linked to PAMP defense / innate immunity | cell wall reinforcement | calcium transporters | cyclic nucleotide gated channels | ROS breakdown | ROS production | ROS transport to apoplast | Redox signaling | ROS induced genes | Pectin sensing | Response to symbiotic fungus | phenylpropanoid pathway | PR1 regulon 707
8 Photosynthesis Photosynthesis | Photosynthesis - antenna proteins | Carbon fixation in photosynthetic organisms 168
9 Flowering time Aging | Ambient temperature | Circadian Clock | Flower development and meristem identity | Flowering time integrator | General | Hormones | Photoperiodism, light perception and signaling | Sugar | Vernalization | General | Flower development and meristem identity | Gibberellins | Hormones | Circadian Clock | Response to cold | Photoperiodism, light perception and signaling 455
10 Flower development Flower development and meristem identity 60
11 Starch biosynthesis ADP glucose pyrophosphorylase | Starch synthase | Sucrose synthase | Fructokinase | UDP-sugar pyrophosphorylase | Invertase | NDP kinase | Hexokinase | Phosphoglucoisomerase | Phosphoglucomutase 40
12 ETC. 250
Total of 35

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