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Genome assembly

Large genome annotation  Plant genome annotation analysis refers to predicting the structural information of genes in the plant genome through gene modeling and elucidating the functions of genes through functional annotation analysis. Gene modeling methods can be broadly categorized into two main approaches: ab initio and homology-based methods.  Ab initio methods involve training gene models using mathematical algorithms through programs such as Augustus and Fgenesh, predicting the exon and intron regions,… Read more
Microbe genome annotation  Microbe genome annotation analysis refers to predicting the structural information of genes in the microbe genome through gene modeling and elucidating the functions of genes through functional annotation analysis. Gene modeling methods can be broadly categorized into two main approaches: ab initio and homology-based methods.  Ab initio methods involve training gene models using mathematical algorithms through programs such as Augustus and Fgenesh, predicting the exon and intron regions,… Read more
Organelle genome annotation(Chloroplast, Mitochondria)  Using the complete genome sequence, annotation is conducted through similarity searches based on BLAST or BLAT. Gene regions are predicted and the functions of genes are elucidated through profiling of proteins, tRNAs, rRNAs, and other coding genes. Functional annotation is performed to determine the structure of gene regions and their functions.  The results are provided in GenBank format files along with a visual Circular map for easy interpretation.   Read more
Web browsers for manual curation  To enhance the completeness of the reference genome annotation process, we provide a web browser for manual curation. This browser facilitates the delineation of boundaries on the genome using results from various tools, including transcriptome de novo assembly and ab initio predictions. Additionally, the browser offers short-read mapping results from RNAseq and transcriptome translation outcomes for specific regions. Users can interactively select tools through the web browser interface.… Read more