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Genome assembly

Microbe genome assembly  For microbe genome assembly, we utilise long-read-based sequence data recently produced by the PacBio platform. To ensure data accuracy, we employed hybrid assembly technology using the paired-end of the Illumina platform, which we then validated using raw reads. By introducing hybrid assembly technology and performing validation work using raw reads, we are able to provide more accurate genome assembly results. We have successfully completed genome assembly for a diverse range of biological… Read more
Large genome assembly  The genomes of eukaryotic organisms, such as plants, animals, and algae, are larger in size and contain a higher proportion of repetitive sequences than those of microorganisms. This necessitates the consideration of additional factors when assembling a new genome. The assembly steps to complete a new genome are as follows: ① Predicting genome size, ② forming contigs, ③ scaffolding, and then ④ building pseudomolecules.  The assembly method and degree of completion for each organism is… Read more
Virus genome assembly  Utilizing plant RNA sequencing data, we perform RNA de novo assembly after removing sequences originating from the plant, to assemble the genome of a novel RNA virus. We then confirm sequence similarity through known databases   Read more
Organelle genome assembly (Chloroplast, Mitochondria)  The chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes are typically maternally inherited and harbor conserved gene regions. These conserved gene regions are widely utilized for phylogenetic studies of plant species and for plant identification.  The goal is to perform de novo assembly of chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes to generate a single circular contig. By utilizing whole genome sequencing data, de novo assembly is conducted to assemble the genome sequences without the need for cumbersome… Read more